Gotta love Unix hacks...
Forgetting your LUKS cryptopart password sucks. But writing a shell oneliner like this:
is awesome. :-) Took me only ten minutes to get it back once I had a copy of the superblock onto my workstation.
for i in P{a,4}ssw{0,o}rd{-,}Permut{4,a}tions; do
echo -n $i > /tmp/pwd
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop0 test --keyfile /tmp/pwd && echo $i
echo -n $i > /tmp/pwd
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop0 test --keyfile /tmp/pwd && echo $i
is awesome. :-) Took me only ten minutes to get it back once I had a copy of the superblock onto my workstation.
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El Hoyhoy on :
Wilmer on :
Sed is a very powerful tool. A simple sed statement may turn a cat into cement. Observe: