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Finally, the Internet-Draft I was working on with my team over the last months made it to the public.

This draft was the main purpose of my visit to IETF76 last year. I'll have to go to 77/78 this year then to hopefully get this idea accepted as a working group item.

It's interesting to see all the comments coming up claiming that this is evil and meant for tracking purposes just because it has the name Google on it... :-/


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Gino on :

Hey Wilmer, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog posts. how is -02 coming along?



Wilmer on :

Hey. This weblog is not really my primary forum to discuss this draft, but .. there's an implementation running on most of Google's nameservers now.

-02 is in progress too, but it's good to start working on some runing code in the meantime. :-)

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