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(TGIF == Thank God It's Friday! It seems to be the "Hello Weekend" celebrated at the end of the Friday in most Google offices.)

Another week in Dublin passed already. And the first week at my new job. Had a great time! From Wednesday I just worked from my desk, no more introduction stuff. Read a lot of things, learned a lot, asked a lot, all that kind of things. Getting to know everyone, getting familiar with the system, getting used to working with post-2002 computers (I've never had so much power on my desk! ;-))... :-D This is what my time will look like for now. Lots of learning, lots of reading, loads of new knowledge. A little bit chaotic, maybe, but I hope to deal with it properly, and hopefully I'll find my system.

As you probably expected I can't get into details though. Had a great time, at least! But ... I didn't get a [ Noogler hat]!!! Wilmer is, again, not pleased. ;-)


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Danny on :

lol @ the noogler hat - that's so cute! too bad you didn't get any...

if it makes you feel any better: it's freezing here as well. most of the snow has already melted by now, but we actually had 2 snowmen just outside our apartment ^^;

Bernard Zijlstra on :

Waarschijnlijk krijg je die pet alleen maar als je een frimifi op de uitwissel share zet! In dat geval heb ik er weer 1 verdiend. Met thomas op een steekwagen door de gang scheuren.

Michael Barrientos on :

Since you were in the Mountain View office this week, did you happen to snag an extra Noogler hat on Friday? I know there were plenty of extras where I was sitting before the fire alarm.

(I was the SRE reject who met you earlier this week. I found your blog while Googling "Noogler Hat".)

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